ADHD Affirmations
If you or your child has ADHD, one of the most important things you can do for yourself (or them) is to start using positive ADHD affirmations as regularly as possible.
I’m not sure I can emphasize how important this is in BOTH – healing from a childhood full of negative input AND helping your child NOT grown up hearing only the negative.
Many adults, particularly those over a certain age, don’t get diagnosed until later in adulthood. Kids who grew up like this hear exponentially more negative input from our peers and authority figures then our neurotypical peers.
Neurotypical kids (in general) grow up being told how smart they are, or how clever, or how talented, or how “good” they are – often used to show us ADHD kids how we “should” be acting and behaving and even how we should accomplish things.
By contrast, kids who grow up with ADHD (especially undiagnosed ADHD) hear WAY more things that are negative – sit still, quiet down, behave, act like a lady, act like your sibling, do it this way, don’t do it that way, you are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong.
This ends up equating to poor self esteem, low self confidence, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, and believing that we are lazy, crazy, or stupid.
Whether you are an adult who needs to heal from this type of childhood – or – you are a parent who wants to make sure that this isn’t your kid years from now needing to heal – positive affirmations are an excellent strategy that can be used in a million ways.
I wrote a letter as an adult to my inner six year old as a way to heal from that type of negativity – feel free to check out my two minute reading of it HERE.
Below are some of the affirmation posts I’ve made in the last year, I hope they speak to you.
Here’s a few more, friend – you are amazing. You are valued. You are worthy. You are enough, exactly as you are.
Don’t Delay Joy
Kat Sweeney, MCLC