Overwhelmed To Organized: ADHD Tips For A Functional Kitchen

Overwhelmed To Ogranized ADHD Tips For A Functional Kitchen     Keeping your kitchen organized when you have ADHD can feel like an impossible task. The constant barrage of visual clutter, decision fatigue, and the ever-present lure of procrastination can make maintaining a functional space daunting. However, with the right strategies, you can transform your… Continue reading Overwhelmed To Organized: ADHD Tips For A Functional Kitchen

Living With ADHD – The Hidden Struggle of Masking

Living With ADHD The Hidden Struggle Of Masking     If you have ADHD, or know people with ADHD, you’ve probably heard the term “Masking”.  But what exactly is that? How common is it for people with ADHD? Why do we do it?  Let’s chat about the hidden struggle of masking.     What exactly… Continue reading Living With ADHD – The Hidden Struggle of Masking

Unstuck and Unstoppable – Overcoming ADHD Paralysis

Unstuck and Unstoppable Overcoming ADHD Paralysis     ADHD Paralysis is one of the more common hallmarks of ADHD. Sometimes it’s called Task Paralysis or Analysis Paralysis or something similar. But what is it, why do we struggle with it, and what do we do about it?  Let’s chat about it.     What Is… Continue reading Unstuck and Unstoppable – Overcoming ADHD Paralysis

Understanding Dopamine – The ADHD Fuel

Understanding Dopamine The ADHD Brain’s Fuel     Dopamine is the brain’s “feel good” chemical. It’s what the ADHD brain is all about. Dopamine is essential for motivation, focus, and pleasure.  For people with ADHD, dopamine plays a more critical role than in their neurotypical peers. This is because the ADHD brain typically produces less… Continue reading Understanding Dopamine – The ADHD Fuel

How ADHD Affects Memory – Tips For Managing Forgetfulness

How ADHD Affects Memory Tips For Managing Forgetfulness     Many of us who have ADHD struggle with forgetfulness.  We may forget appointments, where we put important items, multiple step directions, forgotten promises, and more. Sometimes this makes our friends and loved ones feel hurt, and then we feel as if we have personally failed… Continue reading How ADHD Affects Memory – Tips For Managing Forgetfulness

ADHD Children and Halloween

ADHD Children And Halloween Challenges and Tips     If you have ADHD children – or other neurodivergent-brained children – Halloween can be a bit….tricky.  Sugar highs, sensory issues, disruptions to schedules and more can lead to melt downs, shut downs, emotional dysregulation, and more.  From parents and from kids!  Let’s chat about some of… Continue reading ADHD Children and Halloween

Why Did No One Know I Had ADHD?

Newly Diagnosed With ADHD Why Did No One Know?   Many, many people received new diagnosis of ADHD during the pandemic.  And for many adults, the number one question that I hear is, “Why did no one know? Why did no one catch this? What about my parents, teachers, doctors?”   So let’s chat about it.… Continue reading Why Did No One Know I Had ADHD?

Managing Your Small Business With Executive Function Challenges

Managing Your Small Business With Executive Function Challenges       How do you manage your small business with ADHD? Since I opened my business, and am very open about my ADHD and the executive function challenges I have, I get this question a LOT. Let me be super clear – it’s not easy, I… Continue reading Managing Your Small Business With Executive Function Challenges

Tips for Managing ADHD and Menopause

Book A Call With Kat Today       Tips for Managing ADHD and Menopause In last month’s blog, we chatted about ADHD and Menopause – how it impacts us. If you missed it, check out that blog HERE. I promised to bring you some tips for managing ADHD and Menopause so here those tips… Continue reading Tips for Managing ADHD and Menopause