Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria I few weeks ago, I posted to LinkedIn about how Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) sometimes shows up for me. It seemed to really resonate with a lot of folks, and many had never heard of this wonderful gift of ADHD (heavy on the sarcasm there). I promised to blog about the… Continue reading Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria with ADHD
Category: ADHD Pain Points
ADHD Related Pain points – This category will cover some of the more commonly shared ADHD struggles like time management, organization, task initiation, impulsivity, and financial management.
Homework Tips With ADHD
Homework Tips With ADHD Homework Tips with ADHD – In the States we are starting our second half of the school year, and there is a renewed determination to get back on track, or stay on track. Homework is often a struggle time for students and parents alike. Here are some quick,… Continue reading Homework Tips With ADHD
Creating Routines for the ADHD Brain
Creating Routines For the ADHD Brain If you are like me, creating routines and then actually sticking to them is a challenge you have rarely accomplished successfully. You’ve probably tried about a million and a half different ways to be successful in creating routines for yourself only to give up a few days or… Continue reading Creating Routines for the ADHD Brain
Holiday Tips
Holiday Tips When You Or Your Child Has ADHD All of a sudden it’s a week into December – the holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! For those of us with ADHD, or who are raising kids with ADHD, or BOTH – the holiday season can bring extra gifts our way. On the… Continue reading Holiday Tips
Begin To Create Your Sensory Diet
Begin To Create Your Sensory Diet What Is A Sensory Diet? A few weeks ago, I shared a blog with you about what our sensory needs are and how important meeting them is. Feel free to check out that blog entry HERE. The first step to meeting your needs is to start to identify what… Continue reading Begin To Create Your Sensory Diet
Tips For Boosting Focus
Tips For Boosting Focus One of the things that people ask me the most often is, “What are some tips for maintaining or boosting focus?” This is not surprising because having trouble regulating our focus is a hallmark ADHD symptom that many of us struggle with. We have lower levels or uneven levels… Continue reading Tips For Boosting Focus
Meeting Your Sensory Needs
Meeting Your Sensory Needs Do you put any time into meeting your sensory needs? Have you ever found yourself distracted from work because the sound of water dripping or a clock ticking is driving you up a wall? Have you ever realized you were reading a book or watching tv while sitting in a strange… Continue reading Meeting Your Sensory Needs
The Three C Philosophy
The Three C Philosophy I have a program for parents of children who have ADHD called Navigating ADHD Parenting: Embrace the Three C Philosophy. Raising kids who are neurodivergent and likely have difficulties with emotional regulation, time management, working memory and task initiation is different than raising kids who are neurotypical. Because of… Continue reading The Three C Philosophy
The ADHD Core Four
The ADHD Core Four The “ADHD Core Four” is what I call the first line of prevention when managing our ADHD Symptoms. What I mean by that is that these four things are the very first things I recommend that we check in with ourselves about. These are the four things I encourage parents… Continue reading The ADHD Core Four
ADHD Burnout
ADHD Burnout If you have ADHD and feel chronically tired, overwhelmed, withdrawn, or irritated you might be experiencing ADHD Burnout. If you find yourself snapping at, or being resentful of, your partners, kids or co-workers you might be experiencing ADHD Burnout. ADHD burnout is a condition you get in which your physical, mental,… Continue reading ADHD Burnout