Blast Away ADHD Shame & ADHD Guilt too!🌻 Blast Away ADHD Shame – We Don’t Need It Any More! I promised you a few weeks ago that I’d share some tips for blasting away ADHD Shame. If you missed that post where I talked about what ADHD shame is and where… Continue reading Blast Away ADHD Shame
Category: ADHD Pain Points
ADHD Related Pain points – This category will cover some of the more commonly shared ADHD struggles like time management, organization, task initiation, impulsivity, and financial management.
ADHD Over Diagnosed?
Is ADHD being over-diagnosed? ADHD People Are Everywhere I know that if you haven’t thought that ADHD is popping up everywhere, you have a friend or loved one who thinks so. It seems as if suddenly everywhere you look, another friend, loved one, colleague or relative is being diagnosed with ADHD.… Continue reading ADHD Over Diagnosed?
ADHD and Anxiety: Tips For Managing
ADHD and Anxiety Tips Telling Them Apart – Which Comes First? ADHD and Anxiety often have such close similarities that it can sometimes feel impossible to sort out one from the other. Many symptoms overlap making it tough to figure out if that symptom is related to your ADHD, your anxiety,… Continue reading ADHD and Anxiety: Tips For Managing
ADHD Shame – Where Does It Come From?
All About ADHD Shame Hey friends, today I’m going to get a little vulnerable with you and talk about what some people call ADHD shame. It is often served with a big ole side order of ADHD Guilt. It’s something I still sometimes struggle with, and I’ve been working on releasing it for… Continue reading ADHD Shame – Where Does It Come From?
ADHD Overstimulation – When Everything Is Just Too Much
ADHD Overstimulation When Everything Is Just Too Much What Is ADHD Overstimulation? ADHD folks often struggle with ADHD Overstimulation. Have you ever seen someone standing off to the side of a crowd covering their ears with their hands? Has anyone ever told you that certain sounds makes them feel physical… Continue reading ADHD Overstimulation – When Everything Is Just Too Much
ADHD and Anxiety
ADHD and Anxiety – Let’s Break It Down Is it anxiety? Is it ADHD? Is it ADHD and anxiety? Do I just need more sleep? What the (*^&^*& is wrong with me!!!??? How many of you have been there, felt that? ADHD and anxiety can comingle and make it pretty tricky to figure… Continue reading ADHD and Anxiety
ADHD and Trouble With Transitions
Trouble with Transitions – A common problem for ADHD folks. I have trouble with transitions. Shifting my attention from one task to another is one of areas I have struggles with. I might have trouble when I get interrupted when I’m concentrating. I might struggle when I need to turn my attention from work… Continue reading ADHD and Trouble With Transitions
ADHD Stimming and Fidget Toys
ADHD Stimming and Fidget Toys Hey Friends! I dropped a couple YouTube Videos recently about ADHD Stimming and another about Fidget Toys. I’ll link them below. In the meantime, I thought I’d talk to you a little about adhd stimming and fidget toys here. What is Stimming? Stimming stands for self-stimulating behavior.… Continue reading ADHD Stimming and Fidget Toys
Avoiding Burnout Part Two
Avoiding Burnout – Part Two – Your Passions Hello Friends! So last week I talked to you all about avoiding burnout. I gave some ideas and tips to remember about how to decide which things to give your resources (time/energy/money/skills) towards in a world that has so much need, and how to keep in… Continue reading Avoiding Burnout Part Two
Avoiding Burnout Part One
Avoiding Burnout – Part One Hello Friends! Let’s talk about Burnout. I have spent most of my adult life working and/or volunteering in a variety of service capacities. Particularly in the range of non-profit organizations. I’ve worked/volunteered in a large variety of capacities – and without fail, every single one I’ve been involved… Continue reading Avoiding Burnout Part One