Begin To Create Your Sensory Diet

Begin To Create Your Sensory Diet What Is A Sensory Diet? A few weeks ago, I shared a blog with you about what our sensory needs are and how important meeting them is.  Feel free to check out that blog entry HERE.  The first step to meeting your needs is to start to identify what… Continue reading Begin To Create Your Sensory Diet

Meeting Your Sensory Needs

Meeting Your Sensory Needs Do you put any time into meeting your sensory needs? Have you ever found yourself distracted from work because the sound of water dripping or a clock ticking is driving you up a wall?  Have you ever realized you were reading a book or watching tv while sitting in a strange… Continue reading Meeting Your Sensory Needs

The Three C Philosophy

The Three C Philosophy   I have a program for parents of children who have ADHD called Navigating ADHD Parenting: Embrace the Three C Philosophy. Raising kids who are neurodivergent and likely have difficulties with emotional regulation, time management, working memory and task initiation is different than raising kids who are neurotypical.   Because of… Continue reading The Three C Philosophy

ADHD Treatment Options

ADHD Treatment Options   For many people, when they find out that they or someone they love has ADHD, they immediately begin worrying about treatments, medications, and what impact those might have on day to day life. There are a lot of misconceptions and stigma surrounding ADHD treatment options, and medication specifically.    While medication… Continue reading ADHD Treatment Options

Tips For CoRegulating Emotions With Your Child

CoRegulating Emotions With Your Child – A few tips   Last Month I dropped a blog entry about coregulating emotions with your child who has ADHD. I discussed what that is and why it is important. You can read that blog post HERE if you missed it.   I promised to bring you some tips… Continue reading Tips For CoRegulating Emotions With Your Child

ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month   Why Do We Need ADHD Awareness Month? Facts About ADHD Myth Busting ADHD Interesting Things About ADHD How A Coach Can Help   October – ADHD Awareness Month   Why Do We Need ADHD Awareness Month?   The obvious answer is that we need people to be more aware.  While we… Continue reading ADHD Awareness Month

The ADHD Core Four

The ADHD Core Four   The “ADHD Core Four” is what I call the first line of prevention when managing our ADHD Symptoms.  What I mean by that is that these four things are the very first things I recommend that we check in with ourselves about. These are the four things I encourage parents… Continue reading The ADHD Core Four

Co-Regulating With Your ADHD Child

Co-Regulating with your ADHD Child     What Does Co-Regulating Mean?   Co-regulating is a supportive process between two people that fosters the development of self-regulation skills. We are not born knowing how to soothe ourselves and count on parents and caregivers to help regulate our emotions while teaching us how to develop those skills… Continue reading Co-Regulating With Your ADHD Child