Back To School Tips In This Blog, Back To School Tips For elementary school For High School For College For Parents and Caregivers Book Your Discovery Session Back To School Tips Guide for helping parents of ADHD kiddos get back to school on a good start. It’s back to school time. If… Continue reading ADHD Back To School Tips
Category: All Blog Posts
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ADHD Over Diagnosed?
Is ADHD being over-diagnosed? ADHD People Are Everywhere I know that if you haven’t thought that ADHD is popping up everywhere, you have a friend or loved one who thinks so. It seems as if suddenly everywhere you look, another friend, loved one, colleague or relative is being diagnosed with ADHD.… Continue reading ADHD Over Diagnosed?
Emotional Response-Ability ™
Kat’s Journey Towards Thriving with Emotional Response-Ability™ Thriving with Emotional Response-Ability™ Changed My Life My Introduction to Emotional Response-Ability I attended Thriving with Emotional Response-Ability when I attended a summit for coaches being held during International Coaching Week a few months ago. This was a week or maybe even two – where different… Continue reading Emotional Response-Ability ™
Working With Parents Of ADHD Kids
Working With Parents One of my favorite parts about what I do is working with parents and other caregivers of ADHD kids and teens. 🌻 There is something very special about being invited into such a personal and vulnerable place as someone’s parenting space. I’m honored each and every time. I wanted to… Continue reading Working With Parents Of ADHD Kids
ADHD and Anxiety: Tips For Managing
ADHD and Anxiety Tips Telling Them Apart – Which Comes First? ADHD and Anxiety often have such close similarities that it can sometimes feel impossible to sort out one from the other. Many symptoms overlap making it tough to figure out if that symptom is related to your ADHD, your anxiety,… Continue reading ADHD and Anxiety: Tips For Managing
ADHD Shame – Where Does It Come From?
All About ADHD Shame Hey friends, today I’m going to get a little vulnerable with you and talk about what some people call ADHD shame. It is often served with a big ole side order of ADHD Guilt. It’s something I still sometimes struggle with, and I’ve been working on releasing it for… Continue reading ADHD Shame – Where Does It Come From?
ADHD Overstimulation – When Everything Is Just Too Much
ADHD Overstimulation When Everything Is Just Too Much What Is ADHD Overstimulation? ADHD folks often struggle with ADHD Overstimulation. Have you ever seen someone standing off to the side of a crowd covering their ears with their hands? Has anyone ever told you that certain sounds makes them feel physical… Continue reading ADHD Overstimulation – When Everything Is Just Too Much
ADHD and Anxiety
ADHD and Anxiety – Let’s Break It Down Is it anxiety? Is it ADHD? Is it ADHD and anxiety? Do I just need more sleep? What the (*^&^*& is wrong with me!!!??? How many of you have been there, felt that? ADHD and anxiety can comingle and make it pretty tricky to figure… Continue reading ADHD and Anxiety
PTSD, Healing, and the Power of “AND”
PTSD, Healing, and the Power of “AND” Today’s PTSD Healing Thought of The Day is brought to you by a casual conversation I had this week with a friend. It can feel extra difficult to heal from a trauma if the person who hurt you is not generally a monster, jerk, or mean… Continue reading PTSD, Healing, and the Power of “AND”
ADHD and The Brain
What’s happening in that ADHD Brain? The ADHD brain is a very complicated little operating system. There are millions of cells in every area of the brain, and each area is tasked with being in charge of a specific bodily function. There are areas assigned to things like breathing, seeing, hearing, interpreting, carrying out tasks… Continue reading ADHD and The Brain