New Year Updates

In Today’s Update

  • Where has Kat Been Lately?
  • What are the plans for the New Year?
  • Reminder – Email List and Freebies
  • Pardon My Dust

New Year Updates


Happy New Year! News, Updates and More!


Hi Friends!  


I am so sorry that I’ve been so absent. At the end of November, I was working hard to get a plan for the New Year going and was excited to take you along.  However – December was a b**ch of a month. Let me tell you all what’s been going on, and then I’ll talk about the future.


We started the month on my birthday – which was nice, but thankfully I had celebrated the weekend before because on the night of my birthday, we found my metamour unalive in her house. It was very sudden, unexpected, and traumatizing. (metamour is a polyamorous term and it means “my partner’s partner.”)  L has been a friend of ours for nearing 2 decades, and had been a part of my polycule for about 3 years. She was a wonderful gift to our family and her passing has shaken us all.


When she passed, I got in touch with her adult children which was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. Over the next week – everyone in my house was diagnosed with COVID. L had no family in the area so we also ended up helping to empty her entire house out (she rented) in the following five days. There was so much to deal with, and we were sick to boot. 


The good amidst the awful was that we also became new puppy owners. The timing was terrible, and it’s been a lot of work while sick and grieving, but Biscuit was meant to be Izzy’s little brother and we are all in love with him.  But we had that added stress, plus our 3 year old dog Izzy got very sick and spent 2 nights in the emergency animal hospital. Then one of my adult kids had COVID for Christmas so we couldn’t see her. We did get to spend the holidays with some very close friends and were thankful for that. Oh I also had to deal with re-living some of the work trauma I dealt with as we move through litigation. And we rounded the month out on NYE with L’s first heavenly birthday.


So yeah – December – was mostly not a good month. It was – Biscuit aside – a no good, terrible, awful month. I was so sick all month and so traumatized that I dropped out of trauma healing group, missed therapy and medication appointments. And – as anyone who has been watching my blog and social media platforms – pretty much disappeared.  I’ve been trying to heal physically and mentally and get back into a plan.   So that’s where I’ve been.  But now – what’s next?

So What Now? That’s a great question and one I am not sure I have the FULL answer to. But – I’m slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. My plan is to continue to utilize this blog and my social media platforms to talk about ADHD things, mental health things, trauma related things, queer related things, and more. I also plan to take you on a few journeys with me. Here is my main intentions for going forward with All Belong & Real Chat With Kat

  1. I will continue my journey towards trauma recovery.
  2. I will share my journey towards becoming an ADHD/life coach.
  3. I will continue to provide content dedicated to education, community building, breaking stigmas, entertaining, relating, and more.

I really hope that you’ll consider joining me. You can find me pretty much everywhere by looking for @RealChatWithKat.  I share some things across all platforms, and some things unique to certain platforms only – so feel free to follow me everywhere.  My *hopes* are – by February – to return to posting at least 1-2 times a week on YouTube, posting every weekday on Insta and Facebook, bi-weekly here, and some number I haven’t determined yet on TikTok. Will I hit my goals? Time will tell!

Reminder – Join My Email List (and get free stuff)

I an email list. Folks who join will receive a monthly newsletter from me, freebies, and email no more than once a week.  My weekly emails will be full of fun and interesting stuff. Click HERE to join.


I have created a downloadable and printable Monthly Goal Planner. This is what I use to help set my goals each month.  This is January’s FREEBIE and anyone can grab it!




Pardon My Dust – Just before things went haywire in December I started a re-vamp on my website. It’s running significantly behind and I SO appreciate your patience while I continue working on it. I’m a little slower than usual right now!


Okay – so that’s it for me for now. As always, please know that you are valued and appreciated!  If you have any comments, questions, ideas, etc. please drop me some comments here, on any of my social media platforms, or by email at


Love always,



PS – If you want to follow two adorable dogs – Izzy and Biscuit have their own Instagram account that you can follow @IzzyTheInstaDog – so so cute!


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