Officially A Certified Life Coach

In Today’s Update

  • Coaching Journey Update
  • Personal Updates
  • What’s Coming Next?
  • The Closing



It is official! I am now a Certified Life Coach!


Hi Friends!  


I’m a little late getting this out but I think you will understand why if you keep reading! But in the meantime – Happy April! Happy Spring! Happy Holidays to anyone who’s celebrating holidays in April! 


I am peeking in to give you a quick update on several things – plus a special offer if you read to the bottom!


Coaching Journey – When I last left off, I was about to become a Certified Life Coach and now I have done that! And hopefully by the end of April, I will be a Master Certified Life Coach. I can’t believe how fast (and slow) things are happening.


I am so in love with what coaching is all about, and have been pouring every spare moment I have into learning. Every spare moment is sometimes more than others – life just keeps on going.


I’ve also begun getting ready to open All Belong Coaching officially. I met with my “tax person” (I have a tax person!) and am working on getting everything set up. 


In the meantime I’m taking clients through my current amazing company, Radical Healing.  I’m sharing on Instagram and Facebook little pieces of info about certified life coaching, what it is, how it can help and more. Make sure you follow me over there!  You can find me at @RealChatWithKat.  


I can’t wait to share more with you as I learn and grow. If you want to know more – here is the standards that the International Coaching Federation holds their coaches to.



Personal Updates It’s been a super long month! I was traveling unexpectedly for two long weekends at the end of March and still feel like I’m unpacking from that.  Of course – my sister and I went thrifting while out of town and came home with far more than we had left with! 


I filed my legal paperwork to have my name legally changed, and am waiting eagerly to hear back from the court. I’ve been putting off other business related things because I want to finish the name change before I file legal stuff.  Hopefully I will hear back soon – then I still have a few steps to take and then the nightmare of changing all my IDs and accounts with the new legal name. It’s so much to think about!


What else has been happening – I got a new fish named Marshmallow and two new mice named Timbit and Munchkin. (Don’t worry I don’t use pet names as security answers!)  But they are super cute and the fish hangs out on my desk downstairs and the mice hang out in my upstairs office. I love having little friends to hang out with.  I don’t think there’s been much else going on – I bought new paint to re-paint my office/guest bedroom and can’t wait to see it.   


Oh – here’s a good update – after struggling for literal ever I am finally being treated professionally for my ADHD. Huzzah!  I’ve only just started a small dose of medication and so far so good. I’ll keep you updated, but I can tell you already I feel a difference. So I’m hopeful!



What is Next? I’m hoping to start taking clients through All Belong Coaching some time in May. In addition, I’m offering my services through Radical Healing – you can email me there at


So I’m taking new clients, and working toward opening a business. I am travelling *again* this weekend, but this time it’s to help out at my all time favorite Art Show! It’s one of my favorite weekends of the year so I’m very excited about that. I’m also continuing to post tips, tricks, humor and more on my social media platforms. You’ll find me most active on InstaGram at the moment but that changes so you never know! 



That is my April update – a few days late, as usual!  I’ve been having fun making social media posts so please do visit my other platforms – you can find me on FB, IG, TikTok, Twitter…..


I mentioned in the beginning that I had an offer if you made it all the way to the end!  Anyone who joins my email list before my “go live” date will receive an offer for 1 free consultation (up to 20 minutes, done via Zoom) and an additional $10 off the first intake appointment if you book with me.


Joining the email list will also give you access to newsletters, tips, specials and more. It’s free to join, no commitment or obligation necessary.  Did I mention I also offer freebies to folks on my mailing list every now and again?  Because I do!  You can sign up for my email list here:


As always, I’d love to hear from you. If you have any comments, questions, ideas, etc. please drop me some comments here, on any of my social media platforms, or by email at If you are new to the site, I invite you to read back a few blog posts or browse whatever categories you’d like. The site is still under a bit of construction but getting better every week!


Thank you so much for stopping by – and remember – you are amazing.


Love always,



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