Overcoming Overwhelm
Simplifying Goal Setting For ADHD Success
A Free Webinar
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
12:00 p.m. Eastern
Let’s Chat About ADHD Overwhelm
If you are anything like me, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed far more often than you’d like.
Our ADHD Overwhelm can show up in many ways, and it can sneak up on us.
- Do you sometimes find it difficult to make what seems like tiny, every day decisions?
- Do you think of setting goals and immediately feel defeated?
- Unable to start cleaning because you can’t figure out where to start?
- Does making a to-do list paralyze you for the rest of the day?
Setting Goals Doesn’t Have To Feel Like Torture
It’s that time of year.
Talk of Resolutions and Goals is literally everywhere.
ADHD people are notoriously terrible with setting realistic goals, and worse about following through.
We love to buy new notebook, set up a new system, meticulously color code our calendar… but….well, we also want to hyperfocus on learning whether or not ghosts can sneeze.
Or whatever other dopamine rainbow we are currently riding.
So the goal takes a back seat and the new system vanishes.
That’s because we’ve been trying to set SMART goals the way neurotypicals do. Because that’s what we are taught.
Simplifying Goal Setting For ADHD Success
In this webinar we will first understand where ADHD overwhelm is most impacting our daily lives and why.
We will talk abouty ADHD friendly strategies to set goals that work FOR our brains instead of against it.
And why setting SMART goals doesn’t usually work for us.
We will talk about a few different alternatives to SMART goals, and how to walk away with actionable steps that you can start using immediately.
This Webinar Is FREE But You MUST Register To Get The Zoom Link
Register now and I will send you a reminder 24 hours before the event and another one 30 minutes before.
Yes, the webinar will be recorded IF the zoom goddesses are nice to me.