Living With ADHD – The Hidden Struggle of Masking

Living With ADHD The Hidden Struggle Of Masking     If you have ADHD, or know people with ADHD, you’ve probably heard the term “Masking”.  But what exactly is that? How common is it for people with ADHD? Why do we do it?  Let’s chat about the hidden struggle of masking.     What exactly… Continue reading Living With ADHD – The Hidden Struggle of Masking

Set Your ADHD Student Up For Success: Create The Perfect Study Space

Set Your ADHD Student Up For Success Create The Perfect Study Space     Around here, September brings back to school time.  For parents and caregivers of ADHD students, this can be a hectic and stressful time. We all want our students to be successful in their learning, whether they are in traditional school or… Continue reading Set Your ADHD Student Up For Success: Create The Perfect Study Space

ADHD Teens And Career Exploration

Career Exploration with your ADHD Teen Career Exploration with your child often begins in the parent’s mind  before the child is even born. Will he be an accountant like his dad? Will they be a nurse like their mom? Will she become the president?   As our kids grow, we begin to explore careers with… Continue reading ADHD Teens And Career Exploration