Why Won’t My ADHD Child Do Important Things

Why Won’t My Kid Do Important Things? If I had a nickel for every time a parent asked me, “Why won’t my kid do important things?” – I’d have a lot of nickels!   Does this sound like you?  I can’t get my child to wash their hair/brush their teeth/etc without a battle even when… Continue reading Why Won’t My ADHD Child Do Important Things

ADHD Teens And Career Exploration

Career Exploration with your ADHD Teen Career Exploration with your child often begins in the parent’s mind  before the child is even born. Will he be an accountant like his dad? Will they be a nurse like their mom? Will she become the president?   As our kids grow, we begin to explore careers with… Continue reading ADHD Teens And Career Exploration

Spring Cleaning With Your ADHD Child

Spring Cleaning With Your ADHD Kid(s) It is spring in the US and for many folks that brings with it the celebrated and feared “spring cleaning.” Whether you have ADHD or not, spring cleaning can feel invigorating and refreshing – and it can also feel overwhelming and tedious.    When you have ADHD, or a… Continue reading Spring Cleaning With Your ADHD Child

ADHD Parenting and Collaboration

ADHD Parenting and Collaboration I have three main tenets I talk to parents about when it comes to navigating parenting or caregiving for their ADHD child. They are connection, coregulation, and collaboration. I believe those three tools are the keys to parenting our amazing kids.   In a previous blog, I talked to you all… Continue reading ADHD Parenting and Collaboration