All About Time Blindness and ADHD I admit, I struggle with time blindness – big time. It took me a long time to understand that this was a part of my ADHD. I was forever under or over-estimating how long something would take, or how recently (or not) something had occurred. I still… Continue reading Time Blindness And ADHD
ADHD Connected Parent – Saying Yes To Yes
ADHD Connected Parent – Saying Yes To Saying Yes I met a new friend recently, and during the course of our first breakfast meeting, she mentioned that this was her year of saying yes. What an amazing idea. As I was reflecting on our conversation, I started thinking about how often I was told… Continue reading ADHD Connected Parent – Saying Yes To Yes
Intersectionality – LGBTQ and ADHD
Book A Call With ADHD Coach Kat Today Interesectionality LGBTQ & ADHD Let’s Chat About It! Understanding the Intersection of ADHD and LGBTQ Identities LGBTQ+ people who also are living with ADHD are faced with unique challenges as they navigate both identities. The world as we currently… Continue reading Intersectionality – LGBTQ and ADHD
Tips For Parents of ADHD Kids – Getting Your Kid To Do Important Things
Book A Call With ADHD Coach Kat Today Tips For Parents Of ADHD Children Getting Your Kids To DO Important Things Let’s chat about some tips! Last month, I gave you a blog about WHY you can’t always get your ADHD kiddo to do the things that are important. Even… Continue reading Tips For Parents of ADHD Kids – Getting Your Kid To Do Important Things
Tips for Managing ADHD and Menopause
Book A Call With Kat Today Tips for Managing ADHD and Menopause In last month’s blog, we chatted about ADHD and Menopause – how it impacts us. If you missed it, check out that blog HERE. I promised to bring you some tips for managing ADHD and Menopause so here those tips… Continue reading Tips for Managing ADHD and Menopause
ADHD Tips for IEPs and 504s
Book A Call With Kat Today ADHD Tips for Parents: IEPs and 504s Last month, we started chatting about IEPs and 504 plans. If you missed that, you can check that blog out HERE. Today let’s chat about some practical tips for parents of ADHD kids when it comes to IEP and 504… Continue reading ADHD Tips for IEPs and 504s
ADHD and Late Diagnosis Grief
ADHD and Late Diagnosis Grief What happens when a person is diagnosed with ADHD when they are 30, 40, 50 or even older? It tends to be a double-sided coin. On the one hand, you may feel immense relief and even happiness as suddenly things “finally make sense”… Continue reading ADHD and Late Diagnosis Grief
Why Won’t My ADHD Child Do Important Things
Why Won’t My Kid Do Important Things? If I had a nickel for every time a parent asked me, “Why won’t my kid do important things?” – I’d have a lot of nickels! Does this sound like you? I can’t get my child to wash their hair/brush their teeth/etc without a battle even when… Continue reading Why Won’t My ADHD Child Do Important Things
ADHD Affirmations
Book A Call With Kat Today ADHD Affirmations If you or your child has ADHD, one of the most important things you can do for yourself (or them) is to start using positive ADHD affirmations as regularly as possible. I’m not sure I can emphasize how important this is in… Continue reading ADHD Affirmations
ADHD Tips For Building Mental Resilience
Book A Call With Kat Today ADHD Tips for Building Mental Resilience Last month, we talked about ADHD and Building Mental Resilience. We chatted about what Mental Resilience is exactly and why it benefits people with ADHD. In this blog, let’s chat about TIPS for building mental resilience. … Continue reading ADHD Tips For Building Mental Resilience